Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day! I got to spend the day in my pj's and my sweet Bryan made me the most delicious pancakes this morning for breakfast. Yum! Bryan is so talented, I've yet to make a successful heart shaped pancake. It was so pretty and like a good mama I let my little princess have it because she just HAD to have the only heart shaped pancake, her little round cakes just didn't taste as good as the heart shaped pancake. Bryan and the kids bought me a beautiful bag that I have been eyeing and I so love it! I also was given sweet Mother's Day cards with a beautiful drawing Brooke did for me and scribbles from my Bo. You can't really tell from the picture above but my poor little princess has been fighting a virus today and yesterday. Thankfully her fever broke late last night thanks to some natural remedies and lots of love from her mama but her icky tummy has made today not so fun for the both of us. I'm hoping Bo stays healthy as well as myself and Bryan. I'm so thankful to have such a loving little family. I love them so very much. It was so fun this week to walk by my entertainment center and see the beautiful Mother's Day cards I put up there that were sent by family and friends. It made me smile and was such a reminder to me of how blessed I am. Happy Mother's Day to you all! I also want to tell my Mom how much I love and appreciate everything she has done for me, I love you Mom! Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

  1. What a nice Mother's day. Cute picture of you and your cute kids.
