Sunday, November 28, 2010

Under Construction

I'm trying to make changes to my blog so the blog is going to look a bit weird and unfinished for a while since I'm still learning how to use come back soon!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Arizona Wedding

Last week Friday my brother-in-law was married in the Mesa Arizona Temple. I was SO sad to have left my camera uncharged..hence no photos of the adorable couple or Temple.
The two of them were so incredibly adorable as they emerged from the Temple doors. It got me thinking back to the day Bryan and I were married and of course it was hard for emotional me not to hold back my tears as the two of them danced their first dance together as a married couple.

I was not able to blog on our 8th Wedding Anniversary because we were still in Arizona on the 16th of November. I'm a very blessed woman to be married to the most incredible man ever. I could sit here all day and list off all of the great talents, and qualities that Bryan has, not to mention how loving of a husband and father he is to myself and our children. How blessed I am to share an eternity with him.
I love you Bryan Albee~
Happy 8th Wedding Anniversary.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

On The Road Again...

LOVE this photo. We had family photos taken a little over a month ago and I'm so in love with them. I plan on re-vamping my blog when I get back to Utah, so this is a little sneak peak.
If you are interested our photographer Nickell is wonderful..check out her website:

On Thursday we will be leaving CA and traveling to Arizona. Celebrating a wedding and our 8th wedding anniversary! I cannot believe that Bryan and I will be celebrating 8 years on the 16th.
So here's to safe traveling!

Halloween 2010

Halloween was great!!
Brooke was Princess Aurora from Sleeping Beauty and Brody was a dinosaur. The kids had a blast trick-or-treating, Brody tried his best to keep up with his big sister and it was so fun watching him understand what was going on. After 2 houses he knew the candy goes in the orange pumpkin bucket. It was adorable.
The kids had a blast and the day was great and was spent with both our familes and wonderful friends.


The day before Halloween we were invited to go to Disneyland & CA Adventure. We were SO excited!! Brody spent the day with Oma and Opa while Brooke had a mommy and daddy date.We kept it a surprise from Brooke. She had no clue and we gave small hints here and there..we even listened to Disney princess music on the drive down. Brooke knew right away as soon as we exited the freeway. The girl was SO excited.
The day was perfect as was the weather. The crowds were big but we were able to get on so many fun rides, and have front row seats to the new Disney parade and fireworks show.
The day was wonderful and we tried to stay as late as possible but Brooke was out at 10:45pm so that was our cue to head home with our sleeping princess.