Friday, June 7, 2013

I'd Like to Buy a Vowel Part 3

Never in a million years did I think I'd ever have the chance to be a contestant on Wheel or Fortune. After my successful audition that I blogged about a few weeks ago I thought "Okay, that was so much fun.. but don't hold your breath because it ain't gonna happen." I did my best and yet I did have that ever so slight glimmer of hope that maybe just maybe I'd get picked. After those first 9 days went by I thought that was it, my congratulatory letter wasn't coming. I went out to get the mail after a rather frustrating morning on Wednesday and there it was right behind a bunch of bills. I ran into the house screaming and scared my family half to death. Bryan thought I saw a scorpion or something from all my screaming. I can not believe it. I STILL CAN NOT BELIEVE IT. I'm BEYOND thrilled. I have from now until 12 months from now to receive that call for my taping date. I feel so incredibly blessed and excited and thrilled and every excited and grateful emotion one can possibly feel. I'm really looking forward to it whether its a month from now or 9 months from now I'm ready and excited to have fun and spin that Wheel!!!