Monday, August 5, 2013

Welcome Home

We're home!! It's been such a hard adjustment after having such a fun-filled month with Oma and Opa in CA. There were tears shed when we left and more for a few days after we arrived home. It's almost been a week since we've come back and the kids are finally doing better and excited to start school!! When we pulled up Bryan was eager to have all of our attention as he pushed the garage opener button....we had our very own welcome home sign unravel! The kids were so excited and I was SO impressed! The kids ran upstairs to find balloons and streamers as well as new coloring books and markers in their rooms. I had a new book placed on my nightstand as well as a new pair of shoes. We sure missed Bryan and Ruby! I came home to a very clean and orderly home. It really helped so much to only have to worry about unpacking, laundry and grocery shopping and to not have to worry about cleaning the house. That meant the world to me! Love you Bryan! Thank you!!

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