Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Gateway Plaza

Today we spent the day in Salt Lake City. We traveled to the Gateway Plaza. The best way to describe it is it's kinda like a giant outdoor mall. It reminded me of The Grove in L.A. only Utah'ish and no Farmer's Market with awesome funnel cake. The weather was hot and sticky so after browsing some stores and eating lunch we could not think of a better way to cool off by playing in this awesome water area. Brooke loved it and she had a total blast running around and getting soaked in her play clothes. We ended the day with some ice-cream and then made our way home so Bryan could do some yard work..our grass needs some help, I think it's fine but our HOA didn't think so.


  1. Brooke look adorable in those sunglasses. Such a diva :)

  2. How cute! She looks like she's having so much fun :)

    Glad you guys are enjoying yourselves in Utah thusfar!

  3. So fun! Let me know the next time you guys head up here!

  4. Looks like fun, but my favorite line was, "It reminded me of The Grove in L.A. only Utah'ish and no Farmer's Market with awesome funnel cake." classic.
