Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Birthday Activities

I could not have imagined a more perfect birthday day today for my little birthday boy. Brody woke up to a yummy donut breakfast tower and Brooke was more than thrilled to have donuts for breakfast with her brother. We took Brookie to school and came home and I started making Brody his requested "green" and "cars" cake while Brody colored. Bryan, Brody and I then went with daddy to lunch at In and Out, YUM! We came home and Bo went down for his nap and woke up to find Brooke had come home from school and it was presents time!! Yay! After presents I went out for a quick meeting at Brooke's school while Bryan fed the kiddos. I came home and we tried out Brody's new bike!! He was in heaven!! This little boy of mine had been asking for a "bicycle" for months and his birthday wish came true. We then came home and had cake and it was off to the tub for bedtime. As I said goodnight to my birthday boy he whispered back " Night night Mama, I so happy" and it brought me to tears of joy that my sweet little boy had such a wonderful happy day today. Happy 2nd Birthday to my sweet little boy Brody!


  1. I love that! So sweet. I love the glasses he is wearing as he opens his gifts.

  2. I love the trik, Caitlyn has the same one and loooves it!!!! :0) It is fun pushing her on it and she can almost touch the pedales now! Lucky boy Brody, what a great 2nd bday!!!

  3. Oh my gosh I love the little sunglasses and bicycle and helmet and his cute little face!

  4. It looks like it was a great day! The cake is really cute, Andrea! I love the big helmet on Brody's head....he's ready to go! Love that adorable little boy!!
