Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday Brody!

Happy 2nd Birthday to my Brody Bears!
My Dearest Bo,
I cannot believe you are 2! It seems like yesterday you were born, my darling little 8 pound 1 ounce baby boy with the enormous cheeks that I nibbled on all day..I still do. You are quite the active little boy. You adore your big sister Brooke so much and she has taught you many fun things. You speak so well for a two year old and I contribute that to Brooke. Brooke has also taught you how to do a somersault and how to dance and twirl. You love all kinds of foods but your favorites include pizza, hot dogs, grapes, apples, fishy crackers and your beloved popcorn! You don't care much for ice-cream and when we go out as a family for an ice-cream treat we have now learned just to order you the cone because that's all you like! Silly boy!
You bring me such great joy everyday. You love to play with your cars and trains. You also love to run around and pretend to be a monster and growl. You love music and you love to dance to it. As your birthday was approaching all you could talk about was wanting a bicycle and your birthday wish came true. Along with the bicycle, you got a new Batman helmet, sunglasses, travel magna doodle and a Little Tikes T-ball set.
Daddy and I love you so much Brody and we are so happy and blessed to have you as our son. Thank you for choosing me to be your mama. Happy 2nd Birthday my Bo Bears!!


  1. This is the sweetest post I have ever read, well the one for Brooke made me cry too! What a great Mommy and Daddy you have Brody! Miss ya all xoxoxo

  2. SO SWEET!!!! Brody is so lucky to have a mom like you! Happy Birthday little guy!
