Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Brooke's First Day of Kindergarten

My Dearest Brooke,
Today was your very first day of Kindergarten. All summer long Kindergarten was all you ever talked about and as the first day of school grew near you became even more excited, so much so, that you had trouble falling asleep last night. You woke up bright and early this morning, had breakfast and you were eager to get dressed and go to school. When we got there we met your teacher and you took off running to play ground to try to make friends and you sure did. You are such an outgoing little girl and making new friends comes quite easily for you. As the bell rang and you walked with your new girlfriends to line up you motioned for me to go away which was fine I knew you were ready for school. It was very hard for me to hold back my tears as I kissed and hugged you good-bye. You told me I could go home now and I was not surprised at all. I want you to know how proud your dad and I are of you. You are an amazing little girl with such a beautiful, fun and outgoing personality. I know you will lead an incredible life someday and I'm so blessed to be apart of it.
I did my very best not to cry as we said good-bye and I did a good job hiding my heartache with smiles. I cried the entire drive home and a little bit this afternoon. I'm so anxious to pick you up in a few hours and hear all about your first day.
I love you my sweet Brooke Claire and I wish you nothing but great success and a super happy and fun school year.



  1. What a fun and sad day the first day of Kindergarten is. She looks so happy and ready to have a great year. Last year I took a picture of Leila every day for two months because I clearly couldn't let go. Plus, it was just so cute!

  2. I am so glad you are doing this blog, Andrea. I love seeing the pictures and reading about what you guys are doing. Brooke looks so ready for kindergarten. Cute girl!
