Saturday, December 10, 2011

25 Days Continued....Mesa Temple Lights

On day 9 of our 25 fun "Christmasy" activities we bundled up (yes it gets cold here in AZ) and headed over the the Mesa Temple to see Christmas Lights. It was beautiful. I have to admit I was a bit favorite Temple is the Los Angeles Temple and I was a bit sad that we were not fighting horrible traffic on the 405 to get there to see Christmas lights. I was blown away at how gorgeous the Mesa Temple was. The lights were magical and beautiful. Despite the crowds there was a peacful feeling that filled my heart just being there.


  1. Wow! Completely gorgeous. I love seeing temples all lit up for the holidays.

    You're such a great mom with the Christmasy activities! I bet Brooke and Brody have so much fun.
