Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Day After Brooke's Birthday Party.....

......I celebrated my 29th Birthday! It was by far the best birthday I have ever had. I woke up and made breakfast for everyone and then got spoiled rotten the rest of the day by my family. Bryan surprised me with a brand new Nikon camera! I was so very excited because our camera was so ready to retire so I was ecstatic with my new camera. It's perfect because its crazy easy to use, has an 18X wide optical zoom, 12.1 mega pixels and a huge screen to see your images. It's not crazy fancy to where I will need to take a class to learn how to use it but PERFECT for me and our family. LOVE it! Also Bryan bought me a new waffle maker. I had been eyeing it at Costco for months, it makes the best waffles ever. I could not have been more spoiled that day by my family, my parents, in-laws and friends. I felt so loved every time the doorbell rang and it was a neighbor or friend from church wishing me a happy birthday with a fun treat in tow. It was great to spend the day with family and to have a wonderful date with Bryan that night at Carrabas and end the night with the best gelato ever at Frost. I did not want the day to end at all, I totally cried when it was time for bed because I was so sad to have the day come to an end...it was that fantastic! Of course I savored the day and took no pictures of myself but I have been playing around with my new camera so enjoy the cute pictures I have taken so far....and yes Brody loves to play dress-up with his big sister. Don't worry he is still 100 percent boy/monster he just idolizes Brooke and will do anything she tells him too. I wonder how long that will last.
Thank you everyone, my parents, in-laws, family, Bryan, friends, neighbors for making me feel incredibly loved and important that day. I so needed it and it brought me great joy. I love you all and I'm so blessed to be surrounded by such loving wonderful people.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry about Brody wearing dress up dresses. My brother Mike used to do the same thing. With three girls, we had way more girl clothes than boy clothes in our dress up collection. My Mom put some of my Dad's old business clothes (ties and suspenders were especially fun)in the mix.
