What an AMAZING weekend!!! Brooke's concerts were phenomenal. Absolutely amazing. Bryan and I were able to go to her Friday night concert. Our seats were WAY up on the balcony section of the theater. They were crazy high up there! We had a great view of the stage but only if you were brave enough to lean against the balcony. I think I liked our seats way better when we went with my parents to her Christmas Concert in December. Those seats were amazing. Next time I'll be better about purchasing them earlier. I can't even begin to describe the experience of the concert. It really is something that everyone should experience. All of the choirs from the professional adults to the young singers (which Brooke is in) preformed beautifully. It honestly is like hearing angels sing from the heavens. Next semester Brooke moves up to the children's choir which is so very exciting. She will sing more songs and belong to an even larger choir (which is insane because I thought the young singers group which is 100+ singers was huge!). I was able to volunteer at the two other concerts the following day on Saturday and I really had so much fun helping out. It's so fun too see how things work backstage. It takes an amazing army of people to put together the these amazing concerts and I was so happy and I felt so blessed to work alongside such nice and dedicated people. While it's extremely exhausting it was worth every minute! My last photo collage is of the Art board I finally finished for the Art Walk this week for Brooke's class. I'm happy with how it turned out considering the urgency and lack of time I had to get it done on time. I'm so happy I was able to do this for Brooke's class even if it was a tad stressful. It felt great last week and this weekend to give up so much of my time to the concert and Brooke's school in my voluntary efforts. I love being able to give my time to those who give so much of their time and talents to my children. This week I'm going to try to get my house back in order and take a little time for me to craft some projects. Enjoy the pictures above! On a side note..how gorgeous is my sweet girl?!?! Her face was priceless when we picked her up on Friday after the concert and Bryan handed her a beautiful rose for doing such a great job.
Way to go, Brooke! Sorry we couldn't be there!