Thursday, April 25, 2013

Brody's Puppet Show & a trip to Lowes

A few days ago our sweet neighbors were cleaning out their children's toys and games that they have grown out of. As we were walking to drop off a treat to my amazing visiting teacher they had asked us if were in need of any toys or games. We pretty much have a good selection of games and toys which I shared with them and then they offered a Puppet Theatre. Right away Brody was drawn to it and I knew this was something the kids would love to play with. Brooke was being shy about it but deep down I knew she wanted it too. So we took the Puppet Theatre and it has been non-stop entertainment for the both of them. They LOVE it and we are so thankful to have such sweet giving neighbors! I'm planning on sending over a treat soon. Today Brody and I ventured out to Lowes. We bought a TON of wood. Like I'm good for who knows...6 months?? This was my Christmas haul since I plan on crafting everyone's Christmas presents this year for our families. Get this...I only spent $30!And that's including craft projects for me for the upcoming holiday season. I'm so excited! This summer I'm taking all of my plaques to my parents house where my dad will bevel the edges of my plaques to fancy them up. I'm really looking forward to getting a start on everything and planning and going through my pins on pinterest for ideas and inspiration. Right now I have 2 projects in the works. One for my mom for Mother's Day ( I think she will love it) and a spring project for me (I've been working on this for weeks I'll be lucky if finish before summer). Anyways, fun fun times! I'm looking forward to crafting my bum off in the next 3-4 months so I can enjoy the fall season and holidays with my family.

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