Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Updates and a Bulletin

I've done a few little updates to the kids' room. I pinned an idea on pinterest about using the scripture found in 1 Peter 3:3, and how it would be perfect in a little girls room or bathroom. I read it and immediately knew I wanted to put that in Brooke's room. I finished cutting and transferring it to her wall last weekend. I'm still on the hunt for a frame to put around it. Hopefully I can find one soon. Also we made an Ikea trip last week so I could buy some frames. I found the perfect curtains for my kitchen dining area and I was SO excited about it. I've been having curtain drama for months and it's finally over! While we were there we bought some canvas artwork for Brody's room. I've been eyeing this for quite awhile and since we were there and I don't travel to Ikea very often I decided to get it. We put it up and it looks fantastic. He was so excited about his world map. I plan on placing some sort of quote referencing serving a mission someday using vinyl but the map takes up so much wall space I'm still trying to figure out where it's going to go. I also still need to buy curtains for his room but it's going to have to wait since I'm sure it will be a few months before I can get back to Ikea. This week is crazy. I'm in the process of finishing a bulletin for Brooke's class for the upcoming Art Walk. I have 3 days to complete it and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't stressed out especially with this week being SO crazy busy. I managed to get a ton of it done this morning at home. My silhouette REALLY came in handy for this last minute project. Hopefully I can finish on time for the Art Walk!

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