Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year!

Bring it on 2012!!!
Happy New Year to us all, may 2012 bring us all joy, prosperity and good health.
My resolutions this year are....

1.) Maintain my 50+ pound weight loss that I was able to accomplish over a 20 month period this passed October. Yay!
2.) Save money. Boring I know but it couldn't hurt!
3.) Fix up our loft into a playroom for my two little ones.
4.) Be more positive and learn to let house can be messy and unorganized....sometimes.

Enjoy the marathon of posts below~


  1. Those sounds like great goals! (although I had no idea you'd lost 50lbs... or that you ever needed to. I'd love to hear how you did it. Having all these babies has not been kind to my body.)

  2. You are so sweet Kelsi! I mostly gained my weight while living in Utah and I never posted any pictures of myself. I completely changed the way I ate. I had no idea how unhealthy I was being with my eating habits and choices. It was hard the first few months but almost 2 years later I feel so much healthier and I have a lot more energy than before. :)

  3. I have same resolution to save money. I think there should be a separate list for "life resolutions". Saving money would definitely make the top of that list! -Mindy
